Tuesday, June 7, 2011




1. 粳米淘洗干净,用冷水浸泡半小时,捞出,沥干水分。
2. 坐锅点火,放入粳米,炒至焦黄后取出备用。
3. 另取一碗,加入约1000毫升冷水,将焦米放入,先用旺火烧沸,再改用小火熬煮成粥,最后下入白糖拌匀,即可盛起食用。

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Krabi Must eat



chicken with cashew nuts, ulam, and mango salad

Appetizer was the classic mango salad with generous amount of lightly grilled cashew nuts. Then there’s also the Thai style ulam (salad) with cencaluk (preserved shrimp sauce). These two dishes definitely got our saliva flowing.
wild leave vegetable, siakap fish, clear tomyam soup

The main dishes were deep fried siakap fish (baramundi) with sweet and spicy Thai sauce and plenty of cilantro on top. The fish was very fresh and the sauce went well with fragrant steamed rice. There’s also stir fried chicken with onion, spring onion, and cashew nuts.

Of course, there is the rather delicious clear tomyam soup (similar with normal tomyam sans chili oil) laden with all sorts of seafood. However, the one dish that captured my attention was the stir fried “wild leave” that tasted very different from any other vegetable dishes. The leaves were slightly tougher to chew but carries a pretty unique ‘raw’ and authentic taste which I really like. You should try it if you have the chance.

It was a really good Thai meal that ended with some mangosteen as dessert.

A more high end place, definitely costs a bit more than the duck noodle. Then again, it would be probably be half of what you’re expected to spend for an equivalent meal in Malaysia.

GPS: 8.07725, 98.90829
Tel: +6607 563 1797 
Tel: 07 563 1797




Krabi/Phuket (Part 5) – Koh Det’s Breakfast WondersFebruary 24, 2010 

one most memorable stall on the sidewalk in Krabi, where we had our breakfasts TWICE during our stay directly opposite of the stall, at Ao Nang Grand Inn.

right in front of Bangkok Bank on the main road of Ao Nang, on the same row with McDonald’s. You can’t miss this row of roadside stalls, for they operate almost round the clock, interchangeably between breakfast-brunch stalls and lunch-dinner stalls occupying the same lots.

The yellow-hued grains with chicken is called Khao Mok Gai, a type of Thai-Malay dish not unlike our very own Nasi Biryani.

Catch the whiff of the Khao Mok Gai, the fried rice with prawns (Khao Pad), start your day with some soft-boiled eggs, and do not peek at the wok-ful of DARK elixir …..

Not as fragrant as Nasi Biryani, and somewhat bland, the plateful of rice certainly needed the extra chopped bird’s eye chillies to perk things up. Of course, you can opt for his Khao Pad (fried rice) with prawns as alternatives, or ask for an extra order of fried chicken, fresh from the wok.

Another one of his specialty, and one of southern Thailand’s most famous breakfast of choice is theKhanom Jeen, comprising of rice vermicelli noodles served with fish curry sauce (or in some instances, chicken or pork ribs curry) and slices of cucumber, and raw greens on the side. At only 20 baht/RM2/USD0.60 per serving, you bet you can down packets of these in a flash. The thin, long strands of noodles resemble spaghetti, and the yellow curry was not spicy at all, but instead very rich, bursting with flavours from the spices and coconut milk.

Khao Niao Gai – Sticky rice with Poached Chicken

But personally, I liked the Khao Niao Gai the most. Sticky glutinous rice served with shreds of poached chicken meat, topped with a dark sauce akin to our ‘taucu’ sauce (preserved soybean paste), and cuts of cili padi. The bland looking plate of rice with chicken may look boring, but trust me, this is something you should try at least once in Krabi/Phuket. Of course, you can also find this in northern Thailand, for glutinous rice can be served with virtually anything in Thailand.


Aside from the assorted range of savouries for breakfast-brunch, Koh Det also serves a variety of sweet snacks (kuih-muih) to cater to the lighter eaters. The sticky rice with ‘kaya’ (coconut & egg jam) was especially memorable, for the almost beige-coloured kaya was richer than our variety here, but tasted smooth and complemented the sweet-ish glutinous rice perfectly. Different from Keng Nam’s version for sure, and not as sweet. The ones wrapped in banana leaves resembled ‘kuih koci’, with a slightly salty taste, and the glutinous rice with shredded sweetened coconut was passable as well.

Location : Main road of Ao Nang, Krabi. About 5-10 minutes walk from the beach. In front of Bangkok Bank, which is on the same row with 7-11 and McDonald’s.

The Krabi Night Market – Only on weekends, it seems.

A stall selling deep fried pineapple or banana dumplings, with an array of toppings – milk, chocolate or honey?

A type of snack that is catching on fast with the Muslim communities, even here in Malaysia – Fried bread sticks with coconut/egg jam (kaya)



Crispy fried chicken salad – Spicy, crunchy and appetizing. Kinda took away the guilt.




Fried Ice Cream, even in Thailand?! But with a little twist – The outer layer’s made from bread.



Khao Yam – A most famous southern Thailand (you can also find this in Hat Yai) breakfast made up of rice mixed with assorted raw vegetables, meat floss and peanuts. Nasi Kerabu or Nasi Ulam would nicely summed up the experience.

And about 5 minutes walk away from this street, we found another Night Market...yes, even more FOOD!!!
We have been craving for Khau Kham Moo or Braised Trotter with rice that we enjoyed during our Bangkok trip. We were delighted to find this in Krabi too. Our first meal, we shared a plate of white rice drizzled with the tasty gravy, topped with soft succulent trotter meat with gelatinous skin plus some sourish veggie to balance the fatty pork. One bite of the fiery hot chillies together with one spoonful of the tasty rice at a time.

From the same stall, I spotted noodle soup too.  The fish sauce in Thailand is very different from those here; less salty and more aromatic. A few dash into the soup...ahhh...yummy! Doing the same with the fish sauce here, you will end up asking for a glass of water to add into your soup. That is why I always stock up fish sauce whenever I go to Thailand. Back to my noodle soup, I ordered meehoon or vermicelli with braised spare ribs. This is something unique as those I had before normally served with pork or fishballs. The soup was excellent and the spareribs were soft and literally fell off from its bones. I spotted a local having the soup with spareribs to go with white rice.

I love glutinous rice in Thailand too (psst, I sneaked 2kgs home). Very different from those we find in Malaysia. Theirs is pure glutinous rice whereas ours have been mixed with normal rice to maximise profit. Each plate costs 30 Baht. If you fancy eating only the glutinous rice, you can buy it separately at 20 Baht for small, 30 Baht for medium and 40 Baht for large. It was seriously good. The rice was soft yet chewy. When eaten together with the coconut milk, HEAVEN!

Apom! It came with various kind of fillings. It sure look interesting but they are selling it in a stack of 3.

From a distance, I spotted this man busy flipping a piece of bread back and forth using two bamboo 'fork'. It looked like a piece of thin soft bread and within seconds, it hardens and turned golden brown! A friendly customer told me that it is made of rice (she must have meant rice flour) and it is like crackers. So I guess it's Rice Cracker? Sold in a packet of 3. purchase.

From the same stall, I ordered a bowl of Kuey Teow soup with chicken feet and braised egg. The Kuey Teow (flat rice noodle) was surprisingly very soft and at the same time chewy. The soup was nothing fantastic though if compared to the spare ribs noodle soup I had earlier.

There are many mixed rice stalls too. I love to browse at the dishes but never have enough courage to try it because of the pungent bamboo shoots they added in certain dishes. They are packed into individual plastic bag and I noticed that many local buy it to go with rice or glutinous rice.

I was jumping with joy when I found this pandan flavoured layer kuih. It wasn't as flavourful as the one I ate in Bangkok as they probably used colouring and flavouring. The one I had in Bangkok was lighter in colour and you can actually taste fresh pandan juice extract.

Phad Thai, a common stir fry noodle dish that I didn't quite enjoy cos of its sweetness.

The squid was good but the lady seller made me cry. Not only that, she caused my lips to be swollen for 10 minutes and my tongue dangling out like Pumpkin (my dog) as I walked along the street. Do you see what she dipped those skewers in? A big pot spicy concoction of finely chopped birds eye chillies, fish sauce and lime juice. Of course it tasted good, until the heat starts to kick in.

Apart from food, I also love exploring local beverages when I travel. But I guess Green Spot is nothing new but isn't it a rare find nowadays in Malaysia? It is sentimental to me as I used to drink Green Spot when young till we don't find it anymore in our supermarket shelves. The orange flavour still taste as good but wait, the Honey Lemon rocks!!! It tasted so homemade. Pure honey taste with just the right amount of tanginess! Ahh....refreshing. Only 10 Baht, yes, less than RM1!

I walked pass a grilled meat stall and reversed when I saw a plate of light pinkish grilled pork. So tender and juicy, I suspect it was grilled pork neck.

Pork Satay! 50 Baht for 10 skewers. It was tender but I didn't quite like the taste. It was slightly wet as it was dipped with starchy marinade before grilled. Hubby find it good though.

I find the Chocolate Pancake the best among the three. The pancake was served in a row instead of one flat piece. It was the crispiest amongst the three and the most delicious! The sweet chocolate sauce complimented so well with the salty buttery pancake. Next time, I shall try Nutella and Raisins.




Ruen Mai Thai restaurant, Krabi

  • And yes, the roundtrip taxi fare cost more than the dinner ... the taxi fare was 700 baht (RM 70) and dinner cost 520 baht (RM 52)


  • The only drawbacks of this place is filled with mosquito and it is humid cause there is no fan at all. I was sweating badly when enjoying the food cause there is no wind blow as well.

The food ...

  • The portion was huge ... esp the pork dish ... gosh ... not able to finish the meat at all. Taste nice, very alike like the Cantonese stir fried pork.

  • The fried asparagus with shrimp was my favourite dish ... the prawn is fresh and this dish is very cheap (RM 15).


  • This restaurant served one of the best Tom Yam Kung soup but in my later post, I will post the BEST Tom Yam Kung in Krabi!

  • It really taste spicy and sour ... very balance of the taste which makes u want to sip more even ur tongue feel spicy a bit.

  • The pork in black pepper was too spicy for me and yve .... they cooked in mild spicy only ... wahsei ....ear until my stomach feel the flame inside.


  • 315/5 Maharaj RoadMuang Krabi,
    81000 Thailand.
    Tel : 075-63179






  • The mango salad with cashew nuts were good as well. The crispjulienne young mango contrasted perfectly with the crunchy roasted cashew nuts.We also ordered a plate of stir-fried ferns.



  • Very tasty!The last dish was the egg omelette with fresh crab meat. There were chunky pieces of crab meat in the fluffy omelette which our daughter loved. The omelette was not too oily either. As it was a hot day, we ordered watermelon juice (perfect to keep cool) and mandarin orange juice. The juices were thick and nice, the perfect thirst

  • Very unique flower below ...










On our 2nd morning, we decided to visit the local wet market as I wanted to get some fish sauce and glutinous rice to bring home. I love visiting wet market whenever I travel and am so glad that the Maharaj Market is located just 5 minutes walk away from our hotel. Hubby told me that Maharaj Market is the biggest market in southern Thailand.

Apart from perishable products like veggies, fruits and meat, we also found the back portion of the market was filled with row after row of food stalls and with plenty of chairs and tables for diners to eat on the spot! It was fun strolling from one row to another to check out the goodies before making a decision on what to have.

I was torn between the fresh fish fillet porridge stall with long long queue and the ever-tempting pork knuckle rice. In the end, I couldn't resist the pork temptation.
I was glad that the pork knuckle rice didn't disappoint us. The meat was tender and the gravy was good. It was served with braised egg, boiled kailan and salted pickled vegetables. It was delicious!



I have been eyeing this pork noodle shop located right opposite my hotel since day 1.
I would really kick myself if I didn't try. It turned out SO good! The soup was flavourful even without any added fish sauce. It was so aromatic, guess why? Crispy lard was added into the soup!!! The meatballs were bouncy and the pork fillet was sweet and tender! I enjoyed the noodle and at the same time, busy complimenting the owner for the noodle. I gave my thumbs up to the owner on my way out.

Suddenly I recalled of the bread I saw in 7 Eleven the night before and so we grabbed this for breakfast "Shredded Pork with Mayonaise Sandwich".
I didn't expect the bread to be so soft! The fillings were awesome too! Probably with all the good food I had for the past couple of days, I became very contented with simple plain bread.

Dropped by 7-Eleven to buy some drinks to quench our thirst. This soya bean milk is really lovely.










Krabi Street Snacks / 甲米街边小吃

FYI, this market is only available on weekends. We're lucky enough to drop by and wriggle through those foods offered by locals. I bet you won't wanna miss this. This is Weekend Walking Street!

There you go, Thai Spring Roll (Popiah) with sweet chili sauce. Not bad, not too oily I reckon.

There, another stall selling BBQ Sticks but the meat was too salty. Still cooking from the above.


Thai Satay, juicy and tender!













Do you have any idea what this is? It's Fried Chicken Skin! Weeeeeeee! Ya I had a few. It's really crispy! You should

try it chicken lovers! But… not too much of it. 



This is another type of flat fishball, served with chili sauce. Man… it's spicy & hot!



We came across this Scooby Doo van selling Pan Cakes and gawd, there's a variety of it that we don't know what to eat!

There, Banana Pancake is awesome!

Up next, we had cheese pancake! WOOT! Taste really good but the melted cheese made the dough flab. Still, acceptable.

Ah, the famous miniature Thai pineapple is a must try. Sweet and juicy!

Thai hotdog / Weisswurst! Not too salty and similar to Taiwan hotdog. Usually served with raw cabbage and small chilies.

Thai style Char Kueh Teow. Sweet but not salty. Another weird combination.





Oh yeah, this is coconut Ice-Cream. My first try told me that it taste mediocre. The scoops was a bit too sweet though.


Penang Must eat

Chin Bee Tea Restaurant – Good Food and Chinese Tea

Posted by: CK Lam   in ChineseChu CharGeorgetownNew Straits Times (Northern Streets)Non-HalalPenangTea House

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* This article was published in the New Straits Times (Northern Streets) on 9th May 2011.

Penang is dotted with many restaurants, with some hidden unnoticed even though we often pass by it. One such place is Chin Bee Tea Restaurant. Located on Noordin Street, or commonly known as ‘Ji Tiau Lor’ among the Hokkiens here, this tea house is unique in its own way. This place is not all only about serving Chinese tea, but also serves appealing Chinese dishes.

One of their best dishes offered here is the Hainan Kampung Chicken. Dosed in the chef’s concoction of light soy sauce and oil, the chicken is tender and juicy. The condiment of fresh and fragrant chilli sauce blend with garlic and ginger is a must-have. I highly enjoyed the chicken with its natural sweetness flavor.


Worth trying out is the Kam Heong Spare Ribs, well marinated and stir-fried with an amazing flavourful sauce and with lots of colourful vegetables. The tender meat falls off the bone with a light tug, and the aroma from the hot wok makes this a hearty dish.


The Pang-Pang Chick is a dish with chicken stir-fried in thick spicy sauce with chunky pieces of cucumber, onion and fresh red pepper chilli. The appearance of this dish is almost similar to the sweet and sour pork but taste-wise is totally different. The spicy sensation is best accompanied with white rice.


Chin Bee offers two versions of steamed egg. The classic steam Three Egg Yolk (duck, chicken and century egg) is smooth and firm like tofu which is great to enjoy on its own. The seafood version with prawns, fish and scallops together with salted and century egg is just simply excellent and deliciously good.

Steamed egg with seafood RM30


Another unique dish is the Steamed Patin Fish garnished with plentiful green scallion, coriander and sliced chilli. This freshwater fish is uncommon in Penang and Chin Bee prepared it excellently. It is tasty with flavoursome light fish sauce dressing and garlic oil.


Some of the notable dishes are the Stir-Fried Tofu with minced meat, Claypot Fish, Vietnamese-style Pork Leg, Special Ribs and the Sambal Four Vegetables with many textures and aroma of spiciness. For those who may prefer noodles, do try the Hong Tou Mee where the noodle is served in thick creamy broth.

Stir-fried Tofu with minced meat and Sambal Four Vegetable

Mixed vegetable


In addition to the staple dishes, there are also many tempting and exotic fine Chinese dishes that need to be pre-order! Besides good food, a wide array of good Chinese tea is available at Chin Bee, including the Long Jing, Wu Yi, Pu Er and Tie Guan Ying.

Pu Er @RM2 per person

This restaurant in the middle of a row of old houses has simple seating deco and is fully air-conditioned. Parking spaces are available by the roadside, and if you are early, you might be lucky enough to get the parking space right in front of the shop. Click here for the Map Location.

Chin Bee Tea Restaurant
124 Lebuh Noordin (Jee Tiao Lor)
10300 Penang

Tel 04 2611761

Business Hour: 12noon – 3pm &  6pm – 9pm

Closed on every alternate Wednesday

GPS Coordinates : 5.412422   100.329947




Penang Food – Dim Sum @Aik Hoe Restaurant

Posted by: CK Lam   in ChineseDim SumGeorgetownMediaPenang Restaurant

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The day started with a “yum cha” session at the old eatery, Aik Hoe Restaurant located in Carnavon Street. This restaurant which occupied two shop houses still managed to retain its old nostalgic charm after fifty over years. The fixtures of old ceiling fans with flooring of small squares of blue and white tiles still remain there after all these years, making this place a real heritage in its own way.

Nothing much have changed and the restaurant still has the very ‘Chinese old school look’, even still with its signature metal chairs. The shop’s name has been embedded into the metal chair itself; a real rare find nowadays.

Teapots waiting in a row to be fill with Hot Chinese tea which is a must have to go with the dim sum as it helps in lightening the richness of the food. There are many varieties of tea leaves, from the more common tai yip to the fragrant ti kuan yin.

No push carts were seen here but instead you will be served by waiters walking around carrying the bamboo basket filled with dim sum. Customers just choose the items from the baskets. We selected a few items. One of the signature items was the lor mai gai ( glutinous rice) with pieces of chicken and mushroom. The texture of the rice is well done; the grain is QQ enough and not mushy soft.

The rolls of Fun Cheong Kuen have a very translucent layer of skin as compared to those sold elsewhere. A cut piece of it reveals the luscious filling of pork, shrimp, black fungus and Chinese water chestnut. This roll is subtly flavored with the additional grounded ginger.

One of the must-have is the prawn dumpling, more commonly known as the Har Kow. This steam dumpling shape of a shell has the succulent taste of prawns and lean meat.

Har Kow

The next item was the old-time favorite, Bau! From the steaming basket of Bau, we ended up picking the Char Siew Bau and Pork Bau. The texture of the Bau itself is firmer as compare to the HK version which tends to be lumpy when you bite it. The Char Siew is also marinated very well.

The sweet juicy filling of barbeque Char Siew

Pork bau with robust taste

Next on the menu is the ‘must have’ in this restaurant, mainly because these two authentic dim sum are rarely seen in other shops around Malaysia. The first one is the Gai Chat (steam chicken on Chinese cabbage). It is described as a food item that can induce the old nostalgic feeling that is derived from the good old times.

Gai chat

The second item is the Yoke Aun Kuen (pork roll). It is basically a piece of thin lean meat wrapping up a piece of fat, liver and Chinese water chestnut. The soup/gravy tasted just like home cooked steamed meat…very tasty.

Yoke Aun Kuen

There will always be times that you may be craving for some specific dim sums that are already sold out. In the case, customers can request for it and if the ingredients are available they will prepare it fresh on the spot for you.

Requested items prepared on the spot

Another item that we ate was the fried turnip squares. There are also many more other flaky pastry items, char siew sou, lin yung sou and the wu gok (taro dumpling).

This dessert with filling of corn is personally too sweet for me

Thanks to Lee Choo, the feature writer from Guang Ming for introducing this restaurant and also organizing this yum cha session. Her write up article was published in Guang Ming Daily on 29th March 2009, with the online version available here.

Lee Choo & myself

I would recommend you to try out the dim sum. It’s worth a visit for the few ‘must have specialty’ items. Parking can be a bit difficult as it is located right in front of the morning market. Click here for the Map Location. It is a few houses away from the busy Chulia Street.

These specialty dim sums are getting rarer nowadays, with many outlets preferring more commercial and basic ingredients, instead of those that need extra long preparation and effort. Does anyone know any more of these “old school look” eating outlets and anything along those lines to recommend?

Aik Hoe Restaurant
No.6 & 8 Lebuh Carnavon
10100 Penang

Tel no : 016 472 0971

Business Hours : 5am – 2pm

Closed on Monday

GPS Coordinates : N05 2502.8   E100 2009.8



Penang Food – Terubong Seafood @ Paya Terubong

Posted by: CK Lam   in Air ItamChineseChu CharPenangRestaurantSeafood

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Terubong Seafood is one ‘chu char’ that is tucked away in a row of shop houses facing the very busy Jalan Paya Terubong. This place specializes in seafood and is popular among the neighborhood!

Straight to the good stuff! They commonly serve this small prawns deep fried as prawns fritters. It tasted good dipping it in chili sauce.


Then it was the grilled stingray served with a tamarind sauce with onions. Very appetizing with the white rice!


The sauce of the grilled fish was spicy sweet, coupled with the fantastic onions!

Next was the homemade fishball soup which itself was very fragrant with some added Chinese wine! The fishballs in the soup were squarish in shape with a soft texture. I would recommend everyone to try out this dish.


Steamed Assam fish… their sauce was very unique! Fish fillets done just right, and with the sweet and sour sauce, it topped off our meal.


We had the sambal belacan fried with lady fingers. It came with great aroma and nice belacan flavor. This dinner cost RM85 inclusive of drinks.


Sambal belacan lady fingers, awesome!


After our first enjoyable visit, we went there for the second time and had several different dishes. Started off with the huge red snapper which was cooked in two ways. The upper part of the fish was cooked in a claypot with a nice flavorful gravy to go along with it whereas the tail section was grilled in a spicy chili sauce.

This claypot & panggang red snapper dish cost RM39.

Next was the Kam Heong prawn that was recommended by the owner. The prawns were stir fried with their special sauce with curry leaves. The prawns were very fresh and juicy.

Kam Heong Prawn – RM22

We topped off the dinner with some Stir Fried Kangkung (RM6) and some Chinese tea, rounding off a bill of RM74!

Besides the Chinese tea and the usual drinks, we enjoyed delicious cold Red Blood and creamy glass of Coffee Latte concocted by the owner’s daughter. She is more than happy to prepare these specialty drinks to share with her customers whenever she is free.


The coffee shop is located further up from the Paya Terubong You Tiao (crullers) stall. After the stall, continue driving pass the Lintang Paya Terubong/Jalan Paya Terubong traffic lights. Be on the look out for the Fire Brigade station (on your left) followed by rows of shop-houses. You will not miss this ‘chu char’ as it is visible from afar with its big signboard hanging right above the shop. Click here for the Map Location.

Terubong Seafood
1238-T Jalan Paya Terubong
11060 Penang

Tel : 04 8660903
H/P No : 012 4103303

Business Hour : 5.30pm – 11pm

Closed on Wednesday

GPS Coordinates : N05 2314.1   E100 1629.1



Tho Yuen Chicken Rice Restaurant, Penang

Posted by: CK Lam   in ChineseChu CharDim SumFish BeehoonGeorgetownNoodles,Penang

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Tho Yuen Chicken Rice Restaurant is an old Cantonese restaurant located in a two storey building at Campbell Street right next the popular sundry shop, Kwong Tuck. Business has been going around for many decades now and the place is still as popular.

This restaurant serves dim sum for breakfast and varieties of noodles, porridge and Chicken Rice during lunch hour. The interior of the restaurant was recently given a new paint job for a cleaner and brighter outlook! I was there during lunch break and the place was filled with customers with some having to settle for the tables set up in the pavement.


One of Tho Yuen’s specialty dish – Fish head steam with noodle

Fish Head steam with noodles – Our preference was having two plates, one with vermicelli and the other with hor fun. The fish head steamed with ginger was served together with the noodles in a wonderful aroma soy sauce. It’s delicious with the natural ‘sweetness’ of the fish. It goes well with cut red chili.

Fish head steam with hor fun

Next up was the Stir Fried Yin Yeong! A mix of hor fun and vermicelli, coupled with seafood and char siew was fried to perfection!

Apart from the two noodles, we also have Sang Mee (noodle) with braised duck and ginger. The noodle was firm and came in a flavorful gravy with pieces of well braised duck together with slices of ginger.


Sang Mee with braised duck and ginger


We ordered a bowl of Sui Kow (dumpling) soup separately. The Sui Kow skin wraps up a generous amount of water chestnuts and minced pork meat.


Of course, we also sampled on several dim sum dishes while waiting for the noodles to be served…deep fried bean curd roll (Fu Chuk quen) and baked Char Siew buns (Siew Pau).



The place was very busy and the ambience was bustling and lively. The surrounding was quite airy and bright with the skylight coming in with the adjustable roofing over the air well.


Tho Yuen is one of the very few restaurants which have maintained their standards over the years. Do check out their kiam chai boi and chicken rice too. Click here for the Map Location.

Tho Yuen Chicken Rice Restaurant
94 Campbell Street
10100 Penang

Tel : 04 2614672

Business Hour : 6am – 3pm

Closed on Tuesday



Penang Food – Restaurant May Foong

Posted by: CK Lam   in Chicken RiceChineseKoay Teow Th'ngPenang MainlandPenang Restaurant

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Restaurant May Foong is an old establishment in Bagan Dalam, Butterworth, Penang which is famous for its Ipoh Hor Fun, Steam Chicken (pak cham kai) and Prawn Dumpling (wanton). It is located nearby another famous dim sum eatery, Sweet Paradise Restaurant.

The Hor Fun has the smoothness and silkiness in it, exactly like the ones we had in Thean Chun coffeeshop in old town, Ipoh. There are two version, the dry ones and the soup ones. The dry ones are served with some light sauce instead of the usual black thick sauce. The soup is very clear and tasted the same as those in Ipoh but only lack the redness appearance.

Prawn Wanton (shrimp dumpling) is very fresh with thin and smooth wanton skin.

Chicken in oyster sauce… the meat is tender yet fully cooked. The chicken tasted much better than those that I have eaten so far and goes well with its watery chili sauce which has less garlic.

This lunch for two person cost RM15 inclusive of two glasses of herbal tea. For those who like to try out this delicious Ipoh Hor Fun, do check out their Map location …

4274 Jalan Kampong Benggali



Where to Eat 

1. Food hawkers can be found at Guerney Drive (Mount Erskine - hawker centre Gurney Drive - night hawker centre.

2. New Lane (along the access road to Sunway Hotel).

3. Pulau Tikus & market area – 400 yards from Gurney Drive. Lots of food stalls day & night.

4. Many coffee shops along Penang Road & Campbell lane and surrounding area.

5. Air Hitam (at roundabout).

6. Hot Wok - Nyonya food - found in Jln Nagore and near Island Plaza. Very tasty dishes.

7. Kampong Malabar hawker stalls - walking distance from E & O; up along Penang Road, on the left just about 100 m after Odeon Cinema.

8. Lebuh Kimberley - further away from above, on the left after Chowrasta market; down that road maybe 200 m from Penang Rd junction (coffee shop called New Bee Hooi, or something like that on the right).

9. "Feng Wei" along Sri Bahari Road off Penang Road. 04-261 1918. Chinese – high quality.

10. "Goh Huat Seng" along Jalan Kimberley further down from the hawker centre (on the right). (MUST go here – old and highly recommended) Kimberly Street. From Carnavon St turn into Kimberly St. Find parking before or around "Bee Chin Heang" (selling chinese religious stuff). The place is busy for both lunch and dinner. For dinner, before 7pm is a good time. After, is it busy, busy.

1) Traditional Steamboat (using bronze ware and powered by charcoal). Depending on number of people, the price may range from RM30, RM50, RM60, RM70

2) Bean Curd and Leak stir fry (tau kua suan na)

3) Fried Teow Chew noodle (teow chew mi tiau)

11. High end restaurants are "Salsas" at Continental Hotel, "No. 32 the Mansion" next block to E & O car park

12. Eden at Hutton Lane. Seafood & western grilled food. All food is Halal. Opposite is Tandori Restorn with northern indian cuisine, Khasmiry and local rice and curries.

13. Kayu Nasi Kandar. Leith street where Cheong Fatt Tze mansion is located is also flanked by smallholder beer gardens.

14. local hawker food, Macalister Road would be a good choice. Right out of Traders – straight ahead to junction and straight ahead again (across Jln Penang)

15. Penang Famous Cendol - Opposite Police Head Quarters down a side street.

16. Next to Cathay Hotel. - Indian Restaurant

17. Red Garden (Hawker food) Located between Cheong Fatt Tze Mansion and The Chocolate Boutique on Leith Street. A VERY good town center hawker center with lots of choice. Try to stop the staff pouring your beer for you – they will do it every few minutes and it becomes annoying.

18. Esplanade (Hawker Food)- located near The Padang and on the esplanade, this is a cool breezy place to eat. Good for Penang Rojak and Pasembur – but lots of other choice with a variety of great Malay and Chinese Food. Found at Jalan Tun Syed Sheh Barakbah where the Road takes a 90 degree turn. Or walk from the Fort with the sea on your right side.

19. Red Rock Hotel on Macalister Road (think it is at the junction with Jln Rangdon). 10 minutes walk from Traders. GREAT Chinese food (the chef used to work at the CRC). Try the Braised Belly Pork – yummy. Enter hotel – turn left – go up stairs – restaurant is in front of you. MAKE SURE YOU VISIT.

20. Seafood : Teluk Kumbar, Bukit Tambun

21. Japanese : Tao Buffet (E-gate and Auto-City)

22. Malay : Sungai Ara (opposite Chinese School)

23. Golden BBQ in Jalan Nagor off Burma road. Great place to cook your own choice.

24 Jalan Nagor has been developed into a foodies heaven called Nagor Place.

25. Sea Pearl ("Hai Shen") Restaurant at Tanjung Tokong. Seafood

26. Kheng Pin Cafe along , junction Jalan Sri Bahari/Jalan Penang for Wonton Noodles, Lor Bak. Won Ton ( Dumpling ) Noodles. Heaps of plump dumplings, red-roasted meat, flakes of chicken flesh, shiitake mushrooms, bok choy and spring onions topped the dish.

27. Anson Road hawker stalls

28. Steamboat at Town Steamboat Restaurant at 63 Jln Macalister. only Rm 19.90. Booking advised. Tel: 04-2297273 (Near to Red Rock Hotel – only 10 minutes from Traders Hotel).

29. Teluk Bahang - Teluk Bahang Market and eating shops near the village round-a-bout

30. Tanjung Bunga - Hawker Centre opposite Mar Vista Resort (popular Malay food stalls here)

31. Hawker Stalls & Coffee Shops – NEW LANE off Macalister Road - near to Sunway Hotel. BIG, BIG selection and choice. Bust at night.

32. Junction of Burma Road and Macalister Lane (Larong)

33. Food Court at Komtar, Penang Road; CLOSED FOR RENOVATION 25.9.08

34. Kek Seng Coffee Shop at Penang Road (near Komtar)

35. Macalister Road coffee shop opposite the District Education Office

36. Lorong Selamat Low Eng Hoo Coffee shop and roadside stalls

37. Banana Leaf restaurant’s : Service Road, Burmah Square, Kaliamans at Little India, Jaya's at Gelugor or Passion of Kerala at Jalan Chow Thye. Sri Ananda Bahwan Restaurant located at Penang Street

38. Restoran Kapitan, 89G, Persiaran Bayan Bay

39. Thai - Bukit Genting for Thai delicacy on top of durian hill. Jalan Teluk Kumbar, Balik Pulau, Penang • Tel:604-827 9805 (usually you don't need to book)

I suggest you go around 5pm (reach there at 6pm) for the sunset view, after you finish your dinner (around 7.30++) you can enjoy the island night view.

40. HOCK LOK SIEW BISCUIT TRADING, 120, Lebuh Noordin, 10300 Penang, Malaysia.Contact: 604-2622162, 016-472 4565. Opening Hours: 9.00am – 7.00pm (Daily). From Trader’s Hotel along Jalan Magazine, keep to your left until you reach the traffic light. Turn into the first road on your left (Jalan Gurdwara) and then the first left turning into Lebuh Noordin. The shop is just somewhere in the middle on your right within a row of heritage houses. ALTERNATIVE: use short cut thru ally opp Traders.

41. Fun Tea Garden - opposite Pizza Hut, Prangin Mall. 150 & 152, Jalan Dr. Lim Chwee Leong, 10100 Penang, Malaysia. Tel: 013-421 1274 (Danny Ooi)

Opening Hours: Effective 4 August 2008 - Dim Sum: 12.00am – 12.00noon

Economy Rice: 5.00pm – 1.00am Dim Sum served until 12 noon. Lots of food choice.

42. WONG CHAU JUN RESTAURANT, 73 Jalan Rangoon, 10400 Penang, Malaysia. Contact: 012-555 9046, 012-470 9549. Opening Hours: 8.00am – 2.30pm Closed Tuesday. From Traders go up to Jln Macalister – walk ahead to Jln Rangoon (before Red Rock Hotel) – turn left into Jln Rangoon and it is just ahead.

43. HAI NAN TOWN RESTAURANT - 8A Pengkalan Weld (Weld Quay), 10300 Penang, Malaysia. Contact: 604-263 8633 Opening Hours: 6.00pm – 11.00pm)

located within the vicinity of Penang’s Inshore Marina, Church Street Pier and QEII along Pengkalan Weld (Weld Quay).

44. MING XIANG TAI PASTRY HOUSE, 133 Jalan Burma, 10050 Penang, Malaysia. Contact: 604-227 9880 Opening Hours: 9.30am – 8.00pm (Closed Monday)

From Komtar go to Jalan Burmah – go past the traffic light in front of Telekom. The shop is just after Lorong Madras on your left. Chew Thean Yeang Aquarium is just diagonally opposite this shop.

45. SIN HONG KEE SEAFOOD, 8 Weld Quay, 10300 Penang, Malaysia.

Contact: 604-263 5231. Opening Hours: 5.30pm – 11.30pm (Closed Tuesday)

Not far from the junction of Lebuh Chulia & Weld Quay the restaurant is just by the Shell petrol.

46. KIM MAOU CAFÉ, Lebuh Cintra, 10200 Penang, Malaysia.

Opening Hours: 5.30pm – 10.30pm the shop as it is at the junction of Lorong Kampung Malabar and Lebuh Cintra. In fact the stall is the row as the famous Rice Dumpling (Bak Chang) shop.

47. HOT WOK, 124-E&F, Jalan Burmah, 10050 Penang, Malaysia.

Tel: 604-227 3368 Opening Hours: 11.00am - 1.00am - the restaurant as it is situated within two shoplots just between Nagore Place and Giant Supermarket along Jalan Burmah.

48. GUANGZHOU CAKE HOUSE, 158, Lebuh Carnavon, 10100 Penang, Malaysia.

Tel: 016-470 3392. Opening Hours: 8.30am - 4.00pm. from Prangin Mall go along Jalan Dr. Lim Chwee Leong, turn left into Lebuh Carnavon. Go along until you have passed the second road (Lebuh Kimberley) on your left and you will see the unnamed shoplot displaying those yummy delicacies right in front of the shop. Normally, it would be an elderly lady selling those yummies. Make sure you reach there early to get the best choices.

49. KRYSTAL SEAFOOD CAFÉ, 224-B Jalan Burmah, 10350 Penang, Malaysia.

Tel: 604-227 2218, 012-438 3962, 016-445 6882 (Mr. Y.K. Lim) Opening Hours: 6.00pm - 2.00am. located in Pulau Tikus.

50. Ribs BBQ on Burmah Road (just past Jln Nagore – next to Giant Supermarket). Pm – 11pm

51. Tree Shade Sea Food On Weld Quay opp Ferry Terminal. Order at the counter.

52. Eiu Char Koay – Lebuh Cintra …Cintra Street has many many food places Wen Chang Hainan Chicken Rice shop; located just right opposite, sells traditional Hainanese Chicken Rice. Ng Kee Cake Shop. This bakery shop sells a wide selection of freshly baked Cantonese biscuits and snacks. Dim Sum shop, De Tai Tong Cafe. Dim Sum is served during breakfast and dinner, while there is an ala-carte menu for lunch. Opposite the dim sum cafe is a small stall selling pancake and steam rice cake. It may look modest and simple, but I reckon this stall sells the best Ham Chim Pang & Pak Tong Goe in Penang. Across the junction of Cintra/Campbell, you will see the popular Dumpling shop - Cintra Food Corner on your left. This place is famous for its bak chang, tau chang, yam cakes and red bean tong sui boiled with dried orange peel. Two doors away from the 'chang' shop is the Curry Chee Cheong Fun stall. You get to savour this curry version with tender pieces of chicken (only drumstick) and soft potato for RM3.50

53. Toh Soon Café top of Cambell St near Penang Road (for Roti Bakar, eggs n bread)

54. Tuai Pui Curry Mee on Weld Quay with junction of Gat Lebuh Archeh.

55. One Corner Café - junction Burmah Road & Bawasha Road (nr Jln Nagore) try Lok Lok. Laksa here is sour/spicy.

56. Jemputree Restaurant. 64 Jln Chow Thye off Jln Burmah – 1 block past Jln Nagore. Open 5.30pm to 2am – Closed Mondays. Mixed food choice – open air, but undercover. Sort of ‘posh’.

57. Starview Restaurant in New World Park, Burmah Road. Chinese (on right before Jln Nagore)

58. Restaurant Kapitan at 93 Chulia Street - one of the best claypot Nasi Briyani in Penang. Open 24 hours a day. Upstairs area is Air Con.

59. Tang Dynasty Imperial Noodle Restaurant. 70-A, Jalan Zainal Abidin – between Jln Burmah & Jln Mcalister. Dumplings & noodle dishes – noodles are special type from China.

60. Ghee Seng Tomyam Seafood Restaurant. Thai restaurant located just off Weld Quay (side road down to sea just across and down from Gat Labuh Melayu – by Wisma KGN) good reputation for serving authentic Thai cuisine reasonable prices. Has air con.

61. Nan Yang Chinese Cuisine Restaurant is located right at the centre of Georgetown. It is just opposite Yap Temple; sitting at the junction of Jalan Masjid Kapitan Keling/Armenien Street. Great food in old fashioned building – good prices.

62. Hoe Ping coffee shop located at Penang Road/Kampung Malabar (stall at Beach/Chulia intersection.) Hakka Beef noodles, spring roll etc. Beef noodle is hard to find.

63. Rojak KING stall in front of a coffee shop at Macallum Street.

64. Sin Kheng Aun Restaurant located in Lorong Chulia. This restaurant has been operating for decades, and serves excellent Hainanese food at very good prices.

65. Tasty Restaurant for fantastic roast meat - siu mei . On Anson Road opp Anson Road market - 1 block off Jln Macalister. And, beside the coffeeshop selling the famous duck meat - koay teow th'ng.

66. Colonial Restaurant 35 Armenian Street for traditional Hainanese food. Lovely building with a little fountain area open to the sky. Bird song was pleasant. Traditional decore – worth a visit. Open lunch & dinner.

67. Line Clear, junction of Jalan Penang/Lebuh Chulia - On Jalan Penang, walking toward KOMTAR. It is diagonally opposite Odean Cinema and Nasi Kandar Kayu. Next to Nasi Kandar Yasmeen.

68. Kafe Heng Huat good for Char Koay Teow Lorong Selamat, Off MACALISTER ROAD, I think it is open until about 12 and closes at 7pm (not sure, but I've been there at 11am & 8pm - closed!!).

69. HAWKER FOOD - Walk up Penang Road on the east side between Lebuh Kimberley and Lebuh Campbell. On one of the corners not sure where there is a coffee shop that does awesome Char Keow Tao and Asam Laksa at good local prices (3-4RM). You will know which shop it is as on the other

corner is a bag stall with loads of bags and purses.

70. New World Park on Jalan Burmah. Its like a big food court with both hawker food and restaurants.. Go before 8pm (after 9pm it gets quiet and starts close down)

71. Another good coffee shop that sells great local food is on the corner of (Jln) Cantonment Road and Burmah Road(Jln). You can go here for breakfast. Get things such as Char Keow Tao, Soup Noodles, and sweet thick fluffy pancakes with all types of fillings inside - you choose (corn, banana and peanuts are very good). Price is around RM3-4

72. Collection of stalls on corner of small street off Lebuh Chulia - almost across the road from Love Lane

73. The Samosa pushcart at the corner junction of Market (Pasar) Street and Queen Street, Little India - opens daily, rain or shine, starts at 12 noon until 7pm.

74. Lip Sin Garden, next to the Jubilee Wet Market is a very popular hawker center.

Has free and ample parking. Unlike most hawker centers, it opens for breakfast, lunch as well as dinner/supper. Offers the usual choices of popular hawker dishes. It is walking distance from the Sungei Nibong Bus Station. Local bus does pass by.

75. Sup Hameed - 48 Penang Road: This hawker food is easy to find. Start your walk up Penang Road from the Eastern and Oriental Hotel and three minutes walk up the road, opposite the Continental Hotel you will see the bright carts parked in front of Sup Hameed's. They serve Nasi Bryani, Nasi Kandor, Tandoori Chicken and vegetarian curry and dahl and lots of other dishes.

76. The Fat Diva Char Kway Teow - at Jalan Selamat (Kedai Kopi dan Ice Kachang) reputed to fry the best noodles in town.

77. Satay @ Food Court, Prangin Mall, look for the only stall selling satay, two types, honey and tom yam, with tom yam being the spiciest.

78. Nam Hong Coffee Shop - Penang Road: Near Penang Road bus stop, 2 shops after the chinese temple. Hainanese chicken rice.

79. New Lane is off Macalister road and is just a few minutes walk from Sunway Hotel. The recommended to try are: Char Koew Teow, satay, chicken wings, Curry Mee, Chee Cheong Fun.

80. Star Coffee Shop, Corner of Lebuh Carnavon and Jalan Cheong Fatt Tze (previously Lebuh Hong Kong) - was part the Star Hotel (now closed). The coffee shop has 2 stalls - Roast Duck Rice and Hokkien Mee. Roast Duck is one of the best on the island. While the skin is crispy, the meat is very tender and juicy with flavour. Roast Duck is only available from morning till lunchtime. VERY busy – get there early.

81. Seri Weld Food Court, Beach Street. Very good Nasi Lemak. Typical Penang Nasi Lemak consist of rice cooked in coconut milk, served with fried anchovies, peanuts, spicy gravy and sliced cucumber, wrapped in banana leaf. VERY BUSY AT LUNCH TIME.

82. Ah Leng Char Koay Teow in Kimberley Street ( at night only ). Tips:

1) make sure you ask them to cook the clams till its well done, otherwise, you might end up with a bad stomach. OR, just tell then NO CLAMS.

2) make sure you tell them how big you want your plate to be, else they will happily give you the biggest one

83. Larong Madras: off Macalister. Lots of food. opens about 4pm to 5pm and ends late. Try out char kuay teow from a stall which is near to the bank and Laksa across the road. Must try is roast duck (stall at the end of the other stalls). Also, Taiwan sausage with mango sauce or spicy sauce.

84. Leong Café (and/or place next door). 94C Lorong Maclister (Lane). Near Komtar. Open between 7am -11pm. Everything is good – try Fried Butter Bread with egg (available till 3pm). Also try the chee cheong fan with prawn paste and fried carrot cake.

85. Disneyland along Macalister Road for Dim Sum (tim sum)

86. Midland Court - Chinese-cantonese - One Stop Pulau Tikus - 04-226 7788

87 Jade Palace - Chinese-cantonese - Choo Plaza, Aboo Sitee Lane - 04-227 5758

88. May Garden – 70 Penang Road next to Cititel - 04-261 6435 - Chinese cuisine – specializes in Seafood. Try the roast suckling pig. Recommended

89. CRC Restaurant - CRC Club ,Burmah Road - 04-228 9787

90. YMCA 211 Jalan Macalister - Restaurant is lcoated on the ground floor of YMCA. Recommended for various dishes – very, very busy at weekends.

91. WONG KOK Kitchen in Prangin mall (Level 3). Pork dishes, Duck Noodle soup & BBQ pork noodle soup.

92. SWEE BEE 228Chulia street. Roast suculent chicken rice. Airconditioning. Very clean kitchen. Tucked away you have to look hard for it!

93. 29 & 30 – Level 3 Prangin Mall - underneath the escalator – very popular esp. the duck dishes. See below (no 99 for more info).

94. Love Lane no 53 - a restored shophouse with an interior that looks like an art gallery and antique shop combined with lots of pictures, wrought iron lamps and tables made out of sewing machine bases. Great menue with lots of great Teochew (Southern Chinese) food at reasonable prices.

95. Sun Fook Dim Sum House 105 Cintra Street 6am - 12pm

96. De Tai Tong Cafe 45 Cintra Street - 6am to 11am (dim sum)

97. Rong Ping, Jalan Sungai Ujong (or Hujong) - The street right opposite Komtar tunnel – back entrance leading towards Cintra Street. Opens at 5 am in the morning, handmade dim sum and self service tea refill found in traditional dim sum restaurant.

98. Tang Yen hawker Stall opposite Traders Hotel. Famous for its tang yen or tong yuen (glutinous rice ball). There are two types of syrup based or soup and also two sizes of the tang yuen. You can opt for either plain pandan white sugar syrup or the brown sugar ginger syrup. As for the sizes, there is either small like marbles or bigger one like squash ball which has peanuts filling inside.

99. PRANGIN MALL There are many food places in Prangin mall – I found the best ones to be the ‘coffee shop’ type operations with hawker stalls located on the 3rd and 4th floors near the area called The Atrium (don’t ask). Café 75 is one place but there are a number of others. Just grab a table, go order your food – pay when it arrives. Drinks can be ordered from your table. Recommended.

For info, I was not impressed with the formal restaurants located in the mall e.g. Wong Kok on the 2nd floor. Food was just Ok – nothing special. Also expensive compared to the ‘coffee shops’.

100. Edelweiss in Armenian Street (non-halal, Swiss restaurant) Went here with the Penang Food Bloggers – a great experience. Food is very good and, if you wish, makes a nice change from typical Penang fare. I loved the old heritage building with is big clocks, photos and furniture. The open area in the middle was very attractive. RECOMMENDED.


Hainanese Delights @ 1926 Hotel, Burmah Road (Spring roll)

There are many posts on Hainanese Delights Restaurant. However, most of them are on their ala-carte menu. So far I have yet to see any posts on their Set Dinner Menu.


Not to divert any further from the main topic, the direction to this restaurant is not hard to locate. If you know how to drive to Burma Road, Union Primary School is on your left and you are on a one way drive. Just follow the road for another 200 meters and you will see Heritage Hotel 1926 is on your left. Turn left at the side entrance and there are plenty of parking space available.



Editor’s Review (5 Stars Rank):

Food Presentation

Quick Facts:

Family Friendly
Pork Free
Credit Card
Private Room
WIFI Available

Operation hours: 11:45am – 2:30pm; 6:00pm – 9:30pm (Close On Monday)
Contact: 04-226 1926
Address:227, Burma Road, 10050 Georgetown, Penang
GPS: 5° 42′ 39.81″ N, 100° 32′ 05.18″ E


Penang Chu Char – Hokkien & Hainanese Dishes @ See Kong Ooi

Posted by: CK Lam   in Chu CharGeorgetownHokkienPenang Restaurant

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See Kong Ooi Restaurant in Transfer Road Penang which specializes in Hainanese and Hokkien chu char dishes is fondly refer as Sai Kong Huin by most of the Penangites Hokkien. It has been around for several decades now, and is still going strong until today!

This post is a collection of my trips to this restaurant, so don’t be shocked by the amount of food! I’ve made the trip there several times with my family and food bloggers BBO, Lingzie, Ken and NKOTB.

First time visiting a “KEDAI MAKAN”!

It would be very easy making your selection at See Kong Ooi as their menu has remained unchanged throughout the years. Their menu is hung on the wall for convenient viewing.

Among their selection of seafood, we started with the Black Promphet in three flavours. It may be more well known as “SAR BEE” (three flavours in Hokkien), and it was indeed appetizing! Their gravy was very tasty and the chili + onion combo was just fantastic! The Assam Curry Fish has the sourish taste and freshness of the fish, and topped with plenty of onions, tomatoes and lady fingers! The gravy is darker in color as compared to many Assam Curry Fish that I have savored around George Town.

Assam Curry Fish, great accompliment with white rice!

Another seafood item was the prawns, which I find to be quite reasonably priced at See Kong Ooi! Throughout several of my visits there, I managed to try out the Assam Prawn and Sambal Prawn. Both really packed with flavor and succulent flesh. The Assam Prawn can be enjoyed just on its own while the Sambal Prawns with its pungent gravy makes a great dish with the rice.

Assam Prawn

Recommended Sambal Prawn, yummy!

Next on the menu was the meat selection. The fried pork had an authentic feel with the soy sauce tastefully done. We also had the Steamed Mince Meat + Salted Fish, which is very similar to the typical homecooked version.

Fried pork

Salted Fish Steam Minced Meat

Oh well, with all the meat and seafood, of course there must be vegetables to balance it all up. The vegetable were stir fried with wok hei, ranging from the choice of long beans and bean sprout with salted fish.

One of their unique dish was the Shanghainese Vegetable cooked with Pork Slices! The salty preserved vegetable and the spicy taste of the chili makes a very flavorful dish.

We enjoyed the recommended Egg Soup. Mixed with plenty of minced meatball, vegetables and a fried egg, this simple and tasteful soup rounded off the meal nicely.

This restaurant run by owners Peter and Teddy is located in the folds on Transfer Road, where you can find The Ship and Fung Wei Chinese Restaurant nearby! Parking is abundant right outside this restaurant. Click here for the Map Location.

P.S. This restaurant is accessible using both Burma Road and Jalan Sultan Ahmad Shah.

See Kong Ooi
9 Transfer Road

Tel : 04 2627845

Business Hour : 11am – 11pm

Category : Non-Halal

GPS Coordinates : N5 2520.5   E100 1952.5



Maxim Dim Sum @ Taman Pekaka


Maxim Dim Sum Restaurant @ Taman Pekaka

Maxim have several branches in Penang. Mainly serving dim sum. Located at Gurney Plaza, opposite Queensbay Mall, and Taman Pekaka. Price are reasonable.


Dim Sum (Fried)


Dim Sum (Steamed)


Dim Sum


Chinese Tea


Chinese Tea (for 2 pax)


My Orders


Fried Crispy Prawn – RM3.20


Siu Mai – RM2.00


Steam Pork Ribs – RM2.80


Egg Tart – RM1.30


Har Kao (Prawn Dumpling) – RM2.80


Hong Kong Style Chee Cheong Fun – RM2.80



The dim sum was nice.
Highly recommend for readers.


Location: Bangunan Lip Sin 2-G-11 & 12 Lebuh Pekaka 1,

Sungai Dua,

11700 Gelugor,

Pulau Pinang.
Tel : 04-6560915



Toast (Roti Bakar) & Coffee @ Toh Soon Cafe, Campbell Street


Toh Soon Cafe was located at a small back lane in Campbell Street. It operate in a small stall for a very long time ago. They use the traditional way (charcoal) to toast the bread (the truly ROTI BAKAR). Customers like to having their breakfast in Toh Soon for past many years ago. Early in the morning, you will find out that many customers, no matter wearing formal with tie, school uniform, or housewife preparing go to the near by Chow Rasta Market, will be there having a cup of kopi/kopi ‘o ‘with toast bread, nasi lemak and half boiled egg. You can try to start your great day with a set of breakfast over there and this is what usually the regular customer would do.


Kopi – RM1.00


Kopi O ‘Kao’ (Thick Black Coffee) – RM0.80

Its make my day.


Charcoal Toasted Bread
Toast Bread – RM1.60
Toast Wholemeal Bread – RM1.60

Half Boiled Egg – RM1.40
Nasi Lemak -RM 1.40


Toh Soon Cafe – Environment



Toh Soon Cafe @ Campbell Street (a small lorong @ beginning of Campbell Street)

Campbell Street,

10200 Georgetown, Penang.

Closed on Sundays.



Penang Food – Seafood Beehoon and Pork Porridge @Lam Kei

Posted by: CK Lam   in Bayan LepasFish BeehoonHawkerJelutongPenangPorridge,Seafood

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Fancy having a bowl of piping hot seafood beehoon or pork porridge? I had my share over at Lam Kei located in Nam Thean coffee shop along the busy Jalan Jelutong. This stall has been around for thirty-five years with the second generation taking over now. They have another stall selling this similar food inside Kedai Kopi Leong Huat Seng in Sungai Tiram, near to the Penang Airport.

Seafood with thick beehoon

Seafood porridge

Each individual bowl of noodle and porridge are made to order. You can pick your favourite ingredients to go with your bowl of porridge or noodles.  For the pork porridge there is a choice of minced pork, pork slices and also  innards of kidney, liver and intestines but these ingredients are not available on Thursday, Saturday and public holidays.

This pork porridge (bak moay) with the texture of the rice grain still retained in its wholesome shape. The soup is very savoury and delicious.  It’s served with some cut spring onions and garlic oil.

Another specialty item is the deep fried fish skin. This crispy side order can be left soaking in the piping hot soup or just eaten on its own…delicious in every bite.

As for the noodles, you can choose among the thin beehoon (yew), the thick beehoon (cho), mee sua and cintan mee. This bowl of beehoon with combination of white fish and mince meat is very flavourful and tasty.

The owners spend more than seven hours daily in preparing all the ingredients to ensure its freshness. The soup is boiled with pork bones for three hours.

Look out for this coffee shop; it’s on the left hand side of the road if you are coming from Jalan Jelutong, just a few houses away from the Mobil station. Click here for the Map Location.

Nam Thean Coffee Shop
Jalan Jelutong

Business Hours : 6.00pm – 11.00pm

Closed on Sunday

GPS Coordinates : N05 23.642   E100 18.957


For those working or staying around Sungai Tiram area, do look out for their other stall locatedinside Leong Huat Seng coffee shop. Make sure you visit this correct stall and do not be mistaken with the one selling beside the van, right outside the coffeeshop. Click here for theMap Location. It is on the left hand-side of the road if you are travelling from the airport to Georgetown.

This stall is run by another sister and they offer the similar ingredients plus some additional items too.

Kedai Kopi Leong Huat Seng
186G, MK 12, Sungai Tiram
11900 Bayan Lepas

Business Hours : 5.30pm – 11.30pm

Closed on Sunday

GPS Cordinates : N05 18.136   E100 16.527


Friday, April 22, 2011


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